obecnie moim jedynym zajeciem jest hodowla walkerow dla trofeum masci.

rejestr dzieciakow z mojej hodowli (bo czemu nie*):
tennessee walkers & nokotas of fouga magister's center

xoxo, fouga

*true reason: jesli trafisz na konia z moim przyrostkiem o imieniu "pimpek" itp.: 
wiedz, ze opuszczajac mnie nie mial tak na imie. i like them fancy. that's all.

(na pewno nie)pelne multikulti
honorable mention: mentalista & kosci, ktore najwyrazniej sa za stare na gify

Final Fantasy Ff GIFFinal Fantasy Fire GIF by BANDAI NAMCOAnimated GIFKept You Waiting Video Games GIF by CAPCOMVideo Game GIF by CAPCOMModern Warfare 2 Ghost GIF by Call of DutyGIF by Call of DutyCod Fight Me GIF by Call of Dutyplaystation sony joel ellie the last of us GIFplaystation sony joel ellie the last of us GIFdays gone sony GIFMetro Exodus GIF by NVIDIA GeForceSilent Hill James Sunderland GIFthe walking dead hug GIF by Telltale Gamesvideo games eidos GIF by Tomb RaiderVideo Games Smile GIF by CAPCOMVideo Game Leon GIF by CAPCOMNo Touching Video Game GIF by CAPCOMValentines Day Smile GIF by CAPCOMProtect White Hair GIF by XboxWalking James GIF by KONAMIDbh Seriously GIF by Quantic Dream

Happy Clapping GIF by Drama Club FOXSeason 4 Episode 3 GIF by 9-1-1 on FOXThe Rookie Lol GIF by ABC NetworkTurn Around Lol GIF by ABC NetworkHappy Chicago Pd GIF by One ChicagoCfd GIF by IONTelevision Suits GIF by USA Networkusa network spoiler GIF by SuitsGame Of Thrones Fire GIF
